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Napsal: 18 Nov 2017 19:21
od b_henry
6.1.3 (XM/XW/TI) Changelog / November 17, 2017

- New: TDD Framing/GPS Sync support for XM/TI devices
- New: UNMS agent upgrade to v0.1.0

- airMAX-ac FF: Performance and stability improvements
- AirOS stability improvements
- AirOS security improvements including CVE-2017-13704, CVE-2017-14106, CVE-2017-14491

- airMAX-ac FF: NBM5 lopsided signal strength fix
- Fix: Channel selection logic on XW after radar detection (sometimes data rate stuck at 54Mbps or channel width changes from 40MHz to 20MHz)
- Fix: Station TX power is set to 0dBm after disabling Automatic Power Control on AC AP (airMAX AC Mixed mode)
- Fix: Sometimes station stuck in association state
- Fix: SNMP get-next-request issue
- Fix: AP TX Power is set to 0dBm after disabling Automatic Power Control (PTP mode)
- Fix: Missing frequency ranges in airView for FCC SKUs

- WEB UI: Indication next to TX Power that ATPC is enabled on AC AP (airMAX AC Mixed mode)

Re: 6.1.3

Napsal: 19 Nov 2017 08:46
od satmag
Tak na skúšku som upgradoval ver. 8.4.3 na jedno AC Isostation ako AP klienti litlebeam AC vsetky,zo šiestich sa jedno pripojilo po pol hodine a druhé až po troch hodinách.Pokial na klientoch bola staršia verzia pripojili sa všetky hneď.:thinking: